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Contact Info

The intention of this site is to offer very basic, authorized information about Jem Cohen's films. If you have comments, or need specific information that isn't provided here or at Jem's distributor's sites, you can try emailing to info (at)

FOR DISTRIBUTION INFO ON ALL FILMS - see the above link to the DISTRIBUTION area of this website.

Your patience is requested. Jem is often traveling and cannot always access the internet. Furthermore, due to the amount of time spent editing and writing on computers, he is experiencing physical problems associated with their use. Therefore, with sincere apologies, Jem has decided that he cannot answer all correspondence. In his words: "I feel really bad about that. The problem is, I can try to do more films or more email, but I'm not so sure I can do both." Please know that he appreciates your interest in his work and values your feedback. We thank you.